When I started Magfed Maker in 2016, I had dreamed of creating what I called, "paintball's largest digital armory". The goal was to host designs of nearly every style of gun for as many different platforms as possible. It was a big goal, and it's always been in the back of my mind. The focus shifted from "kits" that people would assemble themselves to nearly finished bolt on products, but time and life has taken it's toll on me and the Magfed Maker project/business. I find myself unable to keep up with both my sanity/comfort and order fulfillment.
Another development since the early days is the ubiquity of 3D printers now. A decent machine can be bought for the price of a full Magfed Maker kit. The best printers cost less than the mid range printers that I started with, and I'm seeing that my printing skills haven't kept up with the times. While I always printed with attention to durability rather than aesthetics, I think it will be best to leave the choice up to each player as they prefer.
The future of Magfed Maker will now shift focus on the digital armory dream. I will still be printing, but no longer offering "on demand" items; instead, I'll be listing printed stuff as I find the time to print them up in batches. I will also be working out a system to provide "hardware packs" for those that have access to a printer, but don't want to source out the nuts and bolts or print the various items that are more difficult than usual (like flexible items).
While the digital armory had a soft launch last year with the magwell offerings, this year is the official opening of what Magfed Maker was always destined to become!